PR professionals receive helpful tips during Madison Print and Digital Media Panel
Kelly Lecker, executive editor of the Wisconsin State Journal, and Jason Joyce, publisher of Isthmus, shared story-pitching tips with Madison PRSA members and guests on Thursday, May 18 at Destination Madison.
Following are six tips to consider when pitching story ideas to print publications:
1. Both outlets are looking for stories with local flare about interesting people, community builders with a purpose, and stories that are surprising, about things most people don’t know about. Story exclusivity is always a bonus.
2. The Wisconsin State Journal looks for daily news on topics such as UW-Madison, state government, healthcare and sports, while Isthmus focuses on arts and entertainment and alternative news.
3. Both accept pitches in person and by telephone, email and social media. A two-week lead time for the Wisconsin State Journal is ideal, whereas Isthmus, a monthly paper, is open to pitches 2-3 months in advance. Isthmus plans many of its stories months ahead of time. The Wisconsin State Journal plans out their daily editions early each week, so if you have an event on a Saturday, notifying them on Thursday or Friday is usually too late to get coverage.
4. Even though the Wisconsin State Journal and Isthmus are newspapers, they do look for visual stories to share in their publications and online. Be sure to include photos and videos.
5. If you have big news or a crisis, it’s helpful to talk to the editors in advance so you can work together on telling the story accurately.
6. Get to know the reporters on your beat. When pitching, name recognition is helpful and will likely get their attention over unknown sources. Go out to lunch or grab a coffee together to build those relationships and create positive collaborations.
Thank you to Kelly and Jason for sharing your expertise!