Bring your own sunshine

A longtime teacher, my husband consistently cites a quote that “teachers create the climate in their classroom.” It’s a reminder that teachers set the tone for every class.

 This has relevancy for PR professionals, too. When I come to a meeting, situation or event, I bring my own energy. Cheerful, frustrated, determined, composed— we all show up to situations with our own weather, our own climate.

 Recently I was reminded of this after seeing the quote, “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine” by Anthony J. D'Angelo.

 I’m a firm believer in positivity, but don’t know anyone who’s happy 100% of the time. And I believe we need to be our authentic selves with colleagues, friends and family. But this quote was a good reminder to check myself and ask “How am I choosing to show up?”  Whether consciously or unconsciously, I bring my own weather.

 Maybe this quote can help you, too. What kind of weather do you want to bring today?


Angela Brumm, APR,

PRSA-Madison President

PRSA Madison